Twist and Shout

Twist and Shout
Life is never straight (Joey Kulkin photo)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Trentonian TV Production Notes: Weekend Dish (Episode 3)

TRENTON -- I overslept, so Trentonian TV's Joe D'Aquila handled the production duties for "Weekend Dish," which celebrated Episode 3 with the arrival of ROCK ON! music columnist Danny Coleman.

Hilary Morris and Kirsten Yard continue to champion local events and eateries during their talk show, and now Coleman is celebrating local musicians on Weekend Dish. Coleman does a great job for The Trentonian with his weekly live, local music listings. So now, Greater Trentonians know where to go, eat and listen to great music.

We'd like to add a movie reviewer to Weekend Dish, and a few other specialty beats.

We use the Google+ Hangout format for Weekend Dish. The Hangouts allow for up to 10 people to join the conversation. Hilary and Kirsten tried something new this week by incorporating the "Screen Share" function to show photos of the restaurants they talked about. Good job.

Here's a screen grab from today's Weekend Dish:

Here is the full episode:

Watch live streaming video from trentonian at

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