Twist and Shout

Twist and Shout
Life is never straight (Joey Kulkin photo)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Election Night Pizza in America

BENNINGTON -- Election. Night. Pizza.

Those 3 words cause Pavlovian responses in newsrooms across America and thanks to the Internet we get to see what such responses look like in real time.

It's 6:46 as I type these words so the night's still young in newsrooms. Indeed, thousands of pizzas will be arriving for the next several hours. I'll post more later or tomorrow and hope to reach 100 pizza pictures; then again, there might not even be 100 newsrooms these days; wouldn't be surprised if newspaper bosses even paid for Election Night Pizza anymore.

One night in Roswell I took a whole pizza for the sports department. I was the department so you can imagine why a few newsie eyes rolled. That might be the funniest thing about Election Night Pizza: watching territorial news-side putzes sneer as the sports department joins the party and devours several slices in one fell swoop. Good times.

Anyway, here's an early gathering of pizza (and grinder!) photos via Twitter and Instagram. What does your newsroom spread of pizza and soda look like at 7 o'clock?

Here's ralefever from York:

Not only is there #electionday pizza there is election say cheesy bread! #yorkvote

@LarryRyckman of the Denver Post:

Poor girl:

Here's @nicholashuba's Instagram post: Election night means 2 things democracy and pizza, a newsroom tradition. #njelection #reporterproblems

The injustice! Angela Hong has to eat a grinder. First-world problems, indeed:

It's 2 hours later, 6:42 in the p.m., and I see no Daily Freeman pizza, Ivan.

UPDATE: Google Glass Pizza at the Daily Freeman!

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